I read somewhere “Patriotism is not mere passive love for the country. A true patriot, who loves India, is an active worker.” For the first time I witnessed real patriotism while crossing this beautiful place on the way to Tosh, called Barshani. I met an...

I believe some pictures narrate their own story. This one specifically brings a weird peace in me, the one that calms you because you finally realize that all this while your connection with nature was real. A story that is odd and unbelievable yet true....

Most of us believe we live once, some of us live the usual hustle and bustle, many just live their lives with total madness but only a handful are there who live their entire life with a single purpose following every single day. I met...

This Mysterious Window is the old residence of an old soul. The one that never left Mr. Barog – the unknown British railway engineer who was assigned to build a straight and a long tunnel, which is now apparently known as tunnel number 33 of...